Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome to Skyline University College

Skyline University College has been a forerunner in recognizing the needs of the industry and integrating knowledge with professional inputs. Established in the year 1990, the University College was set up with vision of academic excellence, professional education and academic consultancy. The mission of Skyline University College reaffirms its commitment towards the students and their careers where quality Undergraduate and Postgraduate education is the overriding priority. The futuristic approach of Skyline strives to keep pace with the changing trends of market requirements and preparing its students to meet the challenges by grooming them all round academically and professionally in the global context.

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Community Service (Al Manzil, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)

As a part of extending services to the community, Skyline University College organized a “Fun & Frolic” event for the children with spec...